Roses are Red, Transmog is Cool

So, a little while ago, I discovered how to use the WoWhead model viewer to create transmog sets (and to think I’ve been on that site for years now, sigh).  I have since created quite a few transmogs for my characters and such, but nothing too serious.

Then I saw MoMar’s transmog contest, and I decided to try my hand!  The challenge was to created a transmog set for each of the colors of the rainbow, ROYGBIV.  February was the red challenge, so I whipped up this little set.  I’ve emailed it off, and am now anxiously waiting for the results!

Tell me what you think! Personally, I like it and would wear it, but I’m totally curious as to what other people think about it!

Head: Tourmaline Crown
Shoulders: Vengeful Gladiator’s Mooncloth Mantle
Chest: Crimson Silk Robes
Pants: Lucky Trousers ← could be any pants, because you can’t see them under a robe
Wrist: Vindicator’s Mooncloth Cuffs
Belt: Fire-Cord of the Magus
Hands: Gloves of Purchased Time
Boots: Replica Blood Guard’s Satin Walkers
Cloak: Cloak of Night
Weapon: Burnished Warden Staff

In case you were wondering, this set can only be used by priests, specifically horde priest.  And yes, the Lucky Trousers were thrown in for good luck 🙂

6 thoughts on “Roses are Red, Transmog is Cool

  1. I like this set a lot. The staff matches the set so well; I always have trouble finding weapons that look great.
    I love the headpiece, I want that on all my clothies.
    It looks beautiful 🙂

  2. Very cool! I’m not sure about the crown (it’s hard to see with the dark background) but the rest is pretty cool!

    Katie P. Benziger

  3. I absolutely love that style of robe so it’s definitely a thumbs up from me. Those shoulders work really well with it as well, with the burgundy blindfold tying in with the colour of the robe and the blue/grey matching the detailing.

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